Jon Favreau
Who is Jon Favreau??
I am not really familiar with this name, but since Obama came to Indonesia and gave a fabulous speech in University of Indonesia (my undergraduate university :)), Jon Favreaou became famous in Indonesia especially in social network (twitter and facebook).
A couple hours after live show of Obama Speech, people were curious seeking for the man behind Obama's speech, and Jon favreau's name with his charming face suddenly came up on the twitter and online news.
Yes, definetly He is a young skilled man with a fresh and smart outlook. My curious feeling brought me to acknowledge more about his detailed information. Here is a summary of informations about Jon Favreau that I got from google :)
Yes, definetly He is a young skilled man with a fresh and smart outlook. My curious feeling brought me to acknowledge more about his detailed information. Here is a summary of informations about Jon Favreau that I got from google :)
1. From
Obama Inauguration: Words of History...Crafted by 27 year old in Starbucks
" Jon Favreau, 27 is as obama him self puts it, the president's mind reader. He is one of the youngest chief speech writers on record in the white house, and despite such youth, was at the centre of discussions of the content of today's speech, one which has so much riding on it"
2. from
" Jonathan Favreau (born June 2, 1981) is Director of Speech writing for President Barack Obama. Favreau attended the College of the Holy Cross, graduating as valedictorian. In college, he accumulated a variety of scholastic honors, and took part in and directed numeruous community and civic programs. After graduations, he went to work for the John Kerry Presidential Campaign in 2004, working to collect talk radio news for the campaigm, and eventually was promoted to the role of Deputy Speech Writer. While working for the Kerry campaign, he first met Barrack Obama"
Those informations build up my mind that a young man with a brilliant skill could make Obama's speech into rhetorical speech. So that I think He's one of the factors behind Obama's successful campaign. However, there is no denial reason that a Rhetorical Speech can give a full affection to a million of people to give their trustiness to Obama, and finally obama could win US people's heart.

Then my mind goes to Soekarno's speech, did Soekarno also have a speech writer behind him? Hmmm I don't think so. I don't want to compare the skill of speech between Soekarno and Obama. But what I believe is behind Soekarno's speech, he didn't have someone to make a speech for him at that time. He's absolutely made his speech based on his own skill in order to give spirit to all Indonesians against the colonial government.
I don't know why do I adore Soekarno's Rhetorical speech so much? I guess because Soekarno can make his speech completely with the spirit of nationalism, and it was a representative for Indonesian spirit. His words can unite Indonesia people from Sabang until Merauke (the westest to the eastest of Indonesia) to struggle against the colonial.
United in Diversity like what Obama said on his speech in University Indonesia, also had become Soekarno's idea on his speech.
I don't know why do I adore Soekarno's Rhetorical speech so much? I guess because Soekarno can make his speech completely with the spirit of nationalism, and it was a representative for Indonesian spirit. His words can unite Indonesia people from Sabang until Merauke (the westest to the eastest of Indonesia) to struggle against the colonial.
United in Diversity like what Obama said on his speech in University Indonesia, also had become Soekarno's idea on his speech.
pgn punya pacar kyk doi wkwkwkw