Counting days
It's One week and four days to go..I am gonna leaving this country for approximately one year to continue my study in master..hufft yes,finally I was accepted in KDI School of Public Policy and Management in Seoul. I'll take financial market or maybe international macro economic policy as my concentration...does it sound great?? But the bad news is that I have to resign from my current office :(. I think, this is the hard decision I ever made. Instead of working in my office, i prefer to continue my Study.
Why should I resign??the reason is because I just worked for 1,5 year in my company,so I could not make unpaid leave as my company's rule asks to stay at least 2 years..hufff

My new phase of life will be started.I will stay far away from my family (Since five years ago, I already decided to take my bachelor far away from family, at that time we were separated by the sea"Java Sea and Sulawesi Sea"), but since now on, I'll be separated by the ocean..wew...
I will be starting to live with others people from different nationalities. I hope there will be a good experience that I can tell to my children or grand children someday ^^
But I believe every single step that I take needs sacrifice or maybe tight decision. In economics I've learned about opportunity cost which can be defined as follows:
"when we choose something to make such a decision, maybe there will be cost that we should pay either material or immaterial"
To be able to be caught up into the world of thought - that is being educated. Edith Hamilton
Why should I resign??the reason is because I just worked for 1,5 year in my company,so I could not make unpaid leave as my company's rule asks to stay at least 2 years..hufff
With my office mates"that man is my boss :)"
After considering everythings including resignation, I convinced my self to keep continuing my study. I have many considerations especially after rethinking the costs and benefits.My new phase of life will be started.I will stay far away from my family (Since five years ago, I already decided to take my bachelor far away from family, at that time we were separated by the sea"Java Sea and Sulawesi Sea"), but since now on, I'll be separated by the ocean..wew...
I will be starting to live with others people from different nationalities. I hope there will be a good experience that I can tell to my children or grand children someday ^^
But I believe every single step that I take needs sacrifice or maybe tight decision. In economics I've learned about opportunity cost which can be defined as follows:
"when we choose something to make such a decision, maybe there will be cost that we should pay either material or immaterial"
To be able to be caught up into the world of thought - that is being educated. Edith Hamilton
please let me know if you come to Japan one day. we're close now.
iya ras aq emg rencana mw visit japan..doaken aja kesampean,,haha mw hemat2 dr duit beasisw biar bs nabung n jalan2 k japun,,,btw kamu dmana? di tokyo or apa??