When you feel down,,there is always someone who pick your self up
I used to chat with my undergraduate lecture on Faceboook,,He's quite old even older than my Dad. Actually I became his friend on FB since I stay in Korea, then we used to chat and sometimes He feels so proud of me because I can continue my master in Korea.
Once when I felt so depressed and absurd I just said to him that studying master here is quite tough. But then He tried to motivate me by saying that:
Once when I felt so depressed and absurd I just said to him that studying master here is quite tough. But then He tried to motivate me by saying that:
"Biasa lah kalau bagian akhir suatu episode kehidupan kita merasa berat. sebetulnya hal itu mrpkn akumulasi rasa letih karena kita belajar. kadang2 otak kita akan memberi sinyal - berat nih yang saya hadapi. dengan banyak doa saya yakin waode dapat mengatasinya. Saya tentunya juga pernah merasakannya, oleh karena itu saya dpt mengatakannya demikian. Ngomong memang lebih mudah bukan, tp yg ngejalaninnya pasti yg dpt merasakannya"
Dan ngomong-ngomong soal refreshing, ada baiknya baca buku seru nih *numpang promosi buku sendiri, hehehe*
Fantasy Fiesta 2011 Sudah Terbit!