Cherry Blossoms of Spring 2012..Finally
KDI's Parking Space

Me and Cherry Flowers ^^

Me, Cherry and Ice Cream ^__^

I already promised to post some of pics from cherry blossoms
I've been waiting for this moment since last march..and thanks God..finally cherry blossoms are trully coming..
This sunday after having tutorial of Indonesia open university in Korea University..I went to Kyunghee Univ where thare are a lot of cherry blossoms..
Me and my KDI's friend mas Ari went there and since mas Ari has DSLR camera,,I dont wanna miss this opportunity to take pictures of mine with cherry flowers
And I did not forget to thank to Allah for such kind of beautiful cherry blossoms flourishing this time of spring..Alhamdulillah wa Syukurillah
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