Restless Leg Syndrome in Pregnancy
Well, I got cramped several time during my night sleeping. It's not comfortable at all. I woke up in the midnight and suddenly screaming because I got cramped (usually at my left leg). What I can do is just trying to relax and try to move my cramping leg. But what if it is happened several times in a week? well I know that the solution is to avoid high cholesterol foods such as seafood. And just now, I got the article about cramping leg from (one of my favourite website during my pregnancy):

What causes restless leg syndrome during pregnancy: Experts aren't sure, but they suspect a combination of environmental and dietary factors, like iron deficiency or a sensitivity to certain types of foods.
Restless Leg Syndrome During Pregnancy
You want to lie down and sleep — but your legs want to cha-cha-cha.
What it is: Uncomfortable and disconcerting tingling, creeping, and crawling in the feet and legs accompanied by an urge to move the legs, especially noticeable as you're trying to get to sleep.
What you need to know about restless leg syndrome during pregnancy: With RLS, your legs seem to take a life of their own — kind of like they're plugged into an electrical socket, getting all juiced up. And although you might notice it more at night (when you're trying to sleep, of course), RLS can strike any time when you're lying or sitting down. The usual treatments for leg cramps — flexing and stretching — don't work, and medications that might relieve the restlessness are off-limits during pregnancy. Unfortunately, this might be one of those symptoms you'll have to learn to live with until your baby is born.
What to do about restless legs: