Breech Baby (Bayi Sungsang)
Well, I got a shocking news in my 37th pregnancy check up, I got my baby is in breech position which makes me shocked, because one week before, I still got my baby's head down. My Obigyn was surprised, the He checked through USG in details. The umbilical cord is in a good position. Actually, on my 34th week of pregnancy I also got my baby in breech position, but it turned to head down position on my 36th week check up. I am still curious what's happened inside? Why does my baby move actively? At this week, she should be engaged to my uterus. So my feeling now is like hopeless to deliver a baby in normal way (VB). This week is my 38th week and I still feel that my Baby has not turned her head down yet :(. I did a deep research about breech baby including some exercises that can help my baby to turn her position, hope they are helpful. If there is no change in my 39th week, I will decide to have my baby through Sectio Caesar (SC). Actually I can ask my doctor to do EVC, but I'm worried that the EVC itself can make my baby stressed out. What I want is my baby turn her head down with her own way which is more natural than EVC. Well, I still have one week to do the exercise more frequently... my sweet baby plase turn ur head down :D
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